Ticket Template: Webex WFO and Calabrio

For Calabrio issues, follow this template to collect and document the issue:


 In the body of the ticket include the following:

  • CUSTOMER Contact Information

    • at a minimum, phone number and email address must be provided

  • What Calabrio Product(s) & Version(s) are impacted?

    • Say “Webex WFO” or “WxCC Cloud version”

  • What Issue(s) are you experiencing?

    • Describe in detail what exactly is happening within the Calabrio system

    • Are there error messages?

  • When did you start experiencing the issue(s)?

    • Did this start today, yesterday, last week?

    • Identify when you think it started

  • Was there a change in your environment (e.g., outage, operating system change, etc.)?

    • This is usually marked “nothing”

    • If you do experience an outage or some change, document here

  • Has this happened before? If so, how often?

    • Identify the frequency

  • How many Users or Agents are affected?

    • Identify the number of agents impacted

    • Specify if there are

  • Have you attempted any troubleshooting already?

    • Different browsers

    • Clear cache

  • Have logs been collected? 

    • Collect HAR log

  • Do you have screenshots of the error(s)?

    • Collect screen shots of from agent, supervisor, and/or administrator views

    • Take specific screenshots of the error or issue, focused enough to be legible

    • Take wider screenshots of the whole browser to show location and context

  • Can the issue be recreated?

    • Detail how the issue can be recreated

    • If the issue is random, document how you received the issue


If voice or screen recordings are missing, please include the following:

  • Start and End Date/Time (in UTC) of missing calls

  • Approximate amount of calls missing (per day if more than 1 day)

  • Confirmation of state of missing calls on Calabrio portal (i.e. Pending Upload, not visible, etc.)