Elements of a Visualization Part 1

Table of Contents

Overview of Lab:

In this lab, we will review the following elements of WebEx Contact Center Analyzer:

  • Visualization Editor navigation

  • Copy and save the report

  • Fields

  • Metrics

  • Interval

  • Compute

  • Report filter


In this Lab, we will start to cover the various elements within WebEx Contact Center Analyzer. We will review the basic navigation within the Visualization Editor, and how to copy a stock or previously built report and save that copy as a separate report. The lab will work through modifying a report to add different fields or metrics, augmenting the time interval, compute interval, and adding filters.


  • Understand how to copy a report

  • Understand parts of a visualization

  • Understand fields and metrics

  • Filter a visualization

  • Understand how to update compute and interval


Users completing this lab must have the following:

  • Access to the following:

    • Control Hub

    • Webex Contact Center Management Portal

    • Analyzer

  • An Administrator or Supervisor WebEx Contact Center with “Edit” privileges in Analyzer

  • Basic understanding of Contact Center reporting terminology

  • Basic understanding of WebEx Contact Center Administration

Quick Links

List any links that might be helpful


  1. Navigate to WebEx Control Hub at https://admin.webex.com, and log in with your Admin or Supervisor credentials.

  2. In Control Hub, on the left menu bar, click on “Contact Center”, under the Services section. The main Overview page for WebEx Contact Center will open on the right.

  1. Within the Overview page, select “Analyzer” from the Quick Links section.


  1. In the menu bar on the left, select the “Visualization” icon, directly under the “Home” icon to open up the various Visualizations (Reports) Analyzer has to offer.

  2. Locate the “CXAS Stock Reports” folder and double-click to enter it. The folder should either be visible in the “Folders” view or can be searched within the search bar at the top of the page.

  1. Locate the “CAR: Historical (VT) - Call Detail Record” report within that folder, and click the ellipses next to the title to expand the list of options available for the report.

    1. The ability to run, edit, export, and even schedule jobs or delete the report becomes available. In this lab, we will edit the report.

  1. Once you are “Editing” the report, clicking the dropdown arrow next to the “Save” button, will present the ability to “Save As”, rename the report if you wish, and select a location to save it in.

    1. Click on “Preview” to open the report in a separate tab within the Browser to view the data based on the current filters and interval.

  1. Navigate back to the browser tab with the CAR Historical Report in edit mode, and familiarize yourself with the settings within the Module section on the left side of the page.

    1. Update the Start Time interval to “Last 7 Days” to view a larger sample of data

    2. Expand or update the “Compute” settings, this is where the report can be set to evaluate based on a subset of records in a report, configure a Duration (Hourly vs. 15-minute intervals), or select a refresh rate (for real-time reports)

    3. Filters can be marked visible to “Show in Run Mode”, allowing for users who preview or run reports to augment from that view, as opposed to returning to Edit mode to make filter changes.



  1. Click on the “Add Filter” button at the bottom of the Module settings on the left side of Analyzer

    1. Take note of the various fields and measures that can be selected from the “New Filter” box.

    2. Click and drag “Team Name” from the list on the left to the Filters space on the right.

    3. Confirm that the radio button next to “Is In” is selected and enter your Team Name in the Field.

    4. Click Save in the New Filter dialog box.

NOTE: The search box at the top of the filter list within the “New Filter” dialog box can quickly find a filter from the list.

  1. Click “Save” and “Preview” at the top of the report to generate the report data based on your selected start time/duration, compute, and filter(s).

Multiple filters can be applied to one report, allowing for larger samples of data in reports to be parsed. Filtering the report on a specific Team Name and Queue Name, or even a specific Queue Name and Agent Name, as an example will yield different refined subsets of data.